Some simply find its pungent odour revolting or foul, repelling them the thoughts of even trying it for the first time. The thing with durian is, inside its thick prickly hard shell, there is soft sweet edible centre that many crave and sometimes willing to pay the premium price for the fruit.
Loving people and seeing the good possibilities in people may sometimes be quite similar to knowing a durian as well. Their presence or attitude could repel or prick you. People can be horrible and stinky with the words they say and those barriers add to the challenge of reaching out the soft sweet centre of the person. To reach in, sometimes you have to be willing to be pricked and not let the “bad odour” of their bad attitude repulse you.
Like me and you, everyone wants and needs to be affirmed for their own self. Be kind and thoughtful in your choice of words as Christ has to us. We too, could be like a durian and it is always such a relief for people not to misunderstand our wrong behaviour in times of our struggles.
Thank you Father for your grace in our life. Help us extend grace to others as You have been to us. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
John 13:34
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.
- Irene Soon