“And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him” – Matthew 13: 57
Jesus knows that His calling would face opposition yet he take no heart of the offence and stayed true to righteous living and teaching that offended even His disciples (John 6: 61). We tend to see things through the lens of worldly wisdom; we reject anything foolish or anything that does not make sense to us and we may even take to offence to some sayings or teachings that offend us.
Jesus has every right to feel offended from the judgement of the Nazarenes or even His own disciples yet offense is not something He teaches us to take. He forgives our offences and encourages us to do the same. “Make allowances for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:13
If you are hurting because you get offended in the past. Do not let the hurt dwell within you any longer. Do not let the hurt define and make who you are. Your identity has always been the beloved child of
the Almighty God. Jesus extends His loving hands toward you, let Him heal your grievances. Forgive those who offended you and forgive yourself, then fully surrender to Him.
The Lord is willing and He wants to take away the offense and the hurt. He promises love and rest, like a good Shepherd in Psalm 23. The question is now, are you willing?
- Annie Pisca