A couple weeks ago I was reminded that whenever or wherever He sends us, He will not let us go by ourselves, just like what He did to Moses (Exodus 3:12) or to Joshua (Joshua1:9).
Jesus Himself made the same promise to us because we are called to be His witness (Matt.28:20).
It is amazing to receive the promise from the One who can never break the promise. Who am I that the Creator of the world, the King of kings gives me the promise to be with me? Who are we that we have received this promise and know He is fulfilling it?
It is not an accident that I am in this new place and learning to adapt and facing different challenges. The reminder of His presence is such a great blessing for me and even today at Sunday meeting the message is about His promise.
And as I am thinking of those who live in a situation where proclaiming His name means prison or death, they still persevere to live on God’s promises. Why? Because I believe they have learned in trust that God’s promises are applicable in every trials and we are sent to proclaim His name despite all oppositions. The Lord will give us the grace to do His work and we are His vessels. That is a wonderful thought I find comfort in.
Matthew 29: 20 NLT
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
- Jenni Wang