Luke 12: 15 writes, "Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own." Heed the wisdom of the Bible for the Lord has walked the earth and experienced the same seasons of our lives.
Writer GK Chesterton also notably wrote that there are 2 ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more, the other is desire less and less. We could stop and ask ourselves if we feel sincerely blessed and that we have enough? God is the One who oversees us, we have enough.
Our societies are constantly possessed by more possessions and constantly looking, wishing and buying stuff with more bells and whistles, we could stop and ponder on the truth God has given us. The Lord is not against us to get more but He is mindful that things could become an idol in your life.
Heed His truth for where your treasure, there yor heart will be also (Matthew 6: 21)
- John W.