A Christmas stocking is usually hung on Christmas Eve so Santa Claus can fill Christmas stockings with toys. Children look forward to this day as they are convinced that they will wake up to a bag full of toys from Santa on Christmas day.
If I were a child, I would visually imagine all the toys that I might get and fully anticipate that my mum will definitely get lots of toys for me. Why? It is simple really. It is just because mum got me a Christmas stocking.
As a child of God, we have lost our boldness to approach our Father’s throne with confident expectation that the Father who promised us good things, will always do what He promised..
The childlike faith we used to eagerly display seems to disperse into thin air as we are fed with confusion and doubt everyday. Simple daily provision no longer excites us; it feels normal, no longer supernatural so we stop anticipating good things to happen.
God has given us daily provision to sustain us till today; shouldn’t we be convinced that we will wake up everyday to encountering and receiving good? Why? It is simple really. God has promised me His Words and the Bible says He is man of His Words.
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
- Irene Soon