According to the dictionary, a 'Word' is a noun used to describe 'a single distinct meaningful element of a speech or writing'.
Words are such a powerful tool of communication. Simple things like 'I love you' or when we pray or sing 'Lord, have your way in me'... it sounds great, but how much of what we say do we actually mean?
How many times have we said something only to regret it a heartbeat later and wish we could take it back? Some of us dig an even bigger hole by madly back-peddling and saying more to cover up our mistake! Sadly, that's what I catch myself doing time and again.
And yet... our words can bring life! God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in it through the spoken word. Jesus spoke and things happened. The tree shrivelled up and died, the blind man saw, the lame walked, the centurion's slave was healed, the dead girl came to life... all this but to name a few! The thing is, the right words have the power TO CREATE, TO ALTER the course of our lives and those around us, it has the power TO LIFT UP!
Let our daily request be like King David's, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord!" (Psalms 19:14)
Ephesians 4:29
Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word nor unwholesome or worthless talk come out of your mouth, but only such as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace to those who hear it.
Matthew 12:36
But I tell you that everyone will have to give an account on the day of judgement for every empty word they have spoken.
- Susanna Tan