It is important to guard our heart and reassess our motives before taking an action. I made an excuse thinking that the action I took was a leap of faith but in all honesty it was wrong; I lose my peace yet I ignored it and went ahead.
What does it mean to guard our heart? I would say it is being vigilant on what we let in and out of our heart and mind; what and who we listen to; what and who we set our affection on and most importantly keeping a tight watch on the seeds of bitterness, disobedience, anger, immorality and many other things that are able to ensnare our heart.
We are to guard the core of our being as from it flows emotions, intellects, desires, wisdom, understanding and other characters that define our personalities.
In my case, I hardened my heart and chose to be disobedient despite the leading from God. I hung with the wrong crowd, reasoned my ways and let down my guard, I chose to lean on my own understanding and at the end it was my loss.
Guard your heart because the pain caused by disobedience is not worth it (I still have to bear the consequence of one action till today). Pay attention to God’s leading and seek peace in your heart before taking any decisions or actions but remember, when something fails, don't be quick to blame the other person because it takes two hands to clap.
Proverbs 4: 23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;