I think that when we look at this well-known verse in Matthew, "With God all things are possible," we think that if only we believed in God more, He would solve our problems. There are two sides to this. Yes, God desires us to trust Him more. If the man with all the wealth had loved God more than his money, Jesus says that He would have gone to heaven. But it is God Himself who gives us our faith and trust in Him. Nothing we can do earns us stronger belief or grace or sanctification.
So instead of looking at this verse and thinking that we are failing because our faith in the midst of our trials is not enough - that we don't believe that He can ever heal our hearts, or that we don't believe that He is doing what is best for us - let us turn to God and say with the father in Mark 9:23-24, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
Our Father delights in giving us every good gift, the best of which are belief, hope, faith, and peace. He even brings unfathomable contentment in the midst of deep grief.
- Taken from http://www.haventoday.org/all-things-are-possible-dv-5204.html -