This practice can be quite similar to the way we treat our Bible reading. We may treat God’s word like all you can eat buffet where we would wolf down the Words as much and as fast as possible, some of us even speed read because we may have a yearly Bible reading targets. Then awhile later, we would wonder why we have not learned as much from our Bible readings.
Like physical food, spiritual food too needs chewing. If we speed read through those passages that we have read so many time before but learned nothing from it, it is a sure sign that we are not digesting the spiritual food.
Let’s not treat Bible reading as if we are in all you can eat buffet. Take time and ponder on each passage intently. Only by doing so, we will get the most value for our spiritual needs.
Psalm 119:15 NLT
I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways.
- Irene Soon