It may be hard to believe but there are two things that we can hope for during our tough times. First, our problem allows God to work HIS supernatural power through us. HE will impart HIS grace unto us to help us prevail over our circumstances. Rejoice for HE knows the way and HE promises to go before you to make a way.
Second, before you experience a breakthrough, the devil will try to shake you to give up hope. When I was working on an apprenticeship, I was required to work a certain work hours hence I needed my employer to sign off the few hundred hours I’ve clocked in.
When I rang the office, I was informed that the only person authorized to sign the statement was away for a few months. I was disheartened as I needed the hours confirmed within a few days to proceed for my next placement. Nevertheless, I thanked God and I reasoned if I had to re-work the few hundred hours again, I know God will strengthen me to do so. What happened the next day was out of my expectation; I received a phone call from the director of the company. Within a day, I got my hours signed off by the director himself and he even added extra 90 hours that I did not work for into the statement. It was not easy to thank God when I felt HE has forsaken me but HE did not and I was also given the opportunity to testify on God’s goodness to the director, it was a divine appointment.
When things seems to discourage you and your fear or doubt intensifies, know that you are not about to crash and burn; you are actually on the doorsill of a breakthrough. You are almost there, hang on!
Micah 2:13
The One who breaks open the way will go up before them, they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head.