When his playmates came to see his Christmas presents, I was astonished , after he had named all the gifts he received, to hear him add, “And a stamp album from grandmother. “But Georgie, you did not get an album from your grandmother. Why do you say so?” There was a wondering look on his face, as if he thought it strange that I should ask such a question, and he replied, “Well, mama, grandma said she would.”
A month went by, and nothing was heard about the album. Finally, one day, I said, to test his faith, “Well Georgie, I think grandma has forgotten her promise.” “Oh no, mama, he quickly and firmly said, “she hasn’t.”
I watched the dear, trusting face for a while. Finally a bright light passed over it, and he said, “Mamma, do you think it would do any good if I should write to her thanking her for the album?” A rich spiritual truth began to dawn upon me, how trusting my son's heart was.
Few days later, a reply came, saying: “My dear Georgie: I have not forgotten my promise to you. I tried to get such a book as you desired, but could not get the sort you wanted; so I sent on to New York and as it has not come as yet, I send you three dollars to get one in Chicago - Your loving grandma.”
As he read the letter, his face was the face of a victor. “Now, mama, didn’t I tell you?” came from the depths of a heart that never doubted. While he was trusting, grandma was working, and in due season faith became sight.
It is so human to want sight when we step out on the promises of God, but our Savior said to Thomas, and to the long roll of doubters who have ever since followed him: “Blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed.” – John 20:29
Praise be to God.
Mark 11: 24
Have faith that whatever you ask for in prayer is already granted you.
- Author unknown