Her husband passed away early in their marriage, leaving Anna with 3 young daughters and an uncertain future. Although she was vocationally trained as a teacher in the state of Virginia, she lacked the credentials to teach in Philadelphia but she did not lose hope. She took laundry jobs, ironing and floor scrubbing to put her kids to school. She taught her daughters to depend on God and be thankful in every circumstance.
When her firstborn, Marian Anderson rose to fame, Anna gave God the credit for the success. “We thank the Lord,” was the reply she gave to reporters. A humble reply uttered by a proud mother who believes that if they trust the Lord and acknowledge Him in all things, HE will direct their path. Her daughter Marian, became one of the greatest classically trained singers of the 20th century and she was the first black singer to appear on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in New York.
Anna Anderson did not lament what she lacked in life. Instead, she expressed gratitude for all the opportunities she was given in life. Let’s follow Anna’s example and utter a sincere heartfelt “We thank the Lord,” for everything we have and don’t have.
All we need to believe is, if we trust the Lord with all our heart and acknowledge HIM in all our ways, HE will direct our path. HE will take care of you and me.
Proverbs 3: 5 - 6 (AMP)
Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
- Irene Soon