When we are in need to leave our homes for basic supplies and food, there is always a sense of fear if what is lurking out there.
“Is wearing a mask enough?”
“Should I wear gloves too?”
“That person just coughed!”
"Is today the day I catch the virus?"
The list goes on…
Fear often shows up when we are at higher risk of losing something – health, job, families and much more; it reveals our deep desire to protect things and relationships that are important in our lives. It also shows that having faith and fully trusting all of our cares to God is not something automatic nor natural. Fear cripples our spirituality and drains us emotionally. Fear tempts us to take matters into our hands and compromise the foundation of our faith.
In this uncertain time, find hope in God’s promises and trust in the reality of His power, protection and provision. Only then, His presence will radiate and expel any fear from your life. The psalmist knows this testimony well, “ I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34: 4
- John W.