Imagine being left alone.
What different impressions those words conjure up to each of us. To some, they spell loneliness and desolation, to others rest and quiet. To be left alone without God, would be too awful for words, but to be left alone with Him is something our soul need daily.
The Master set us an example. Note how often He went alone with God and He had a mighty purpose behind the command. “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.”
Jacob wrestled alone with God before he got his breakthrough. The greatest miracle of Elijah and Elisha took place when they were alone with God. Joshua was alone when the Lord came to Him (Josh 1:1). Moses was by himself at the wilderness bush (Exodus 3:1-5). Cornelius was praying by Himself.
Covet to get alone with God. If we neglect it, we not only rob ourselves but others too, of blessing. When we are blessed, we are able to pass on blessings to others. So, are you lonely? That is the best time to spend with God. Encounter Him in your time alone with Him.
- Author unknown