“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.” Ge 50:20 NIV
In the movie Up in the Air, actor George Clooney is hired by a major corporation to handle big layoffs. His job is to fire people. In one scene when he’s about to fire an aging middle manager, he notices on the guy’s résumé that he’d been trained as a French chef. As the man expresses despair over losing his job, Clooney reminds him of his original dream and asks him this soul-searching question: “Back when you started, how much did it take to buy you away from your dream?” At that pivotal moment the middle manager thought back to the time he decided to settle for a steady paycheck in exchange for what he really wanted to do with his life. Are you doing that? Understand this: The day you were born God had a track for you to run on and an assignment for you to fulfill. So the question you must ask yourself is this: “Is the difficult situation I’m in right now a God-given opportunity for me to go back and fulfill the dream God gave me in the first place?” Looking back on the most painful chapter in his life, when he was betrayed by his family, Joseph said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.” His greatest loss led Joseph to the fulfillment of the dream God gave him in the beginning. Is that your story too? Are you realizing that you’ve settled for second best, and now God’s giving you a second chance; a chance to do the thing He put you in the world to do?