Nobody likes bad news: Just to list a few, we fear losing our jobs, recession, or sometimes even news that our plans are not going according to what we planned!
Yet, the Lord is telling us this:
"Hey, do not be afraid and be of good courage. Why? Because I'm your Father who cares for you. I will turn this bad news around and make it good news. I'm the giver of blessings and what is good and worthy of praise. If the circumstances look like it will take a miracle, a miracle I will provide. After all, I have already sacrificed Heaven's best- Jesus- for you, that He may die and take your sins, that now you may be righteous in my sight. Why then would I withhold blessings or the miracle from you? Don't be silly. These means nothing to me! You, on the other hand, means the world to me. Trust me, because I love you."
My friend, the Bible says that the word of God can fall on different soil- some falls on wayside, some on rocky soil, some among thorns, and some on good grounds (Matthew 13).
I'm not sure about you, but I want this verse to fall on good grounds, that it may satisfy me, because then I know I do not have to struggle to provide for myself, to watch my back all the time, but I can thoroughly enjoy life as God meant it to be, be confident, fearless, and can face my foes TRIUMPHANTLY !
Psalm 112: 6-8
"...Those who are not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them, They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly."
- Elizabeth Ang