Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
The Lord Jesus was not only meek but also lowly in heart. We often have improper thoughts and carnal desires. We often compare ourselves to others. Our thoughts are filled with pride and boasting. Our Lord never hopes to gain anything for Himself. He is willing to accept everything from God. He can say that it is enough, and He is satisfied. This is being meek and lowly in heart.
Brothers and sisters, are you satisfied with what God has given you? Or do you constantly covet more? Is God's provision enough for you? Or do you insist on your way concerning certain things and affairs? Many people have great ambitions and aspirations, but these things do not count in God's eyes, and God cannot use such ones. They are not lowly in heart, and they do not have rest. They do not have any rest because they are not satisfied with what God has given them.
Our Lord Jesus is meek; He does not demand anything for Himself. Only those who are meek can be led by God, and only those who are lowly in heart can satisfy God's desire.All those who have some experience can testify that nothing is more joyful than consecration, and nothing brings more happiness than placing oneself in the Lord's hand and under His direction. If we are not joyful and satisfied in heart, the only possible reason for this, is that we have not taken the Lord's yoke and learned from Him.
Let us humbly pray, “Yes, Father, whatever You decide is the best.” Amen.