The 10 year old boy who used to play hide and seek with me is now a young man. “Hey, can’t be a baby forever,” was his response when he saw my facial expression.
His comment made me reflected on what Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11 - "When I was a little child I talked and felt and thought like a little child. Now that I am a man, my childish speech and feeling and thought have no further significance for me." He knew the necessity of growing up spiritually and leaving the childish ways.
The Apostle Paul is saying let us progress beyond the basics and start living what we claim to know. In another words, the way to perfect your relationship with God and improve your walk in Him is to do it by faith and obedience to His word.
True spiritual maturity is a growth in one's spirit; it is not simply increasing what you know intellectually. To grow beyond the basic baby mentality, we need to do be the doers of the Words. In James 1:22, James challenges us to “... prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.
Don’t be believers who believe that your sins have been forgiven but still willingly continue to overlook specific sins in your life; don’t remain in ignorance and stubbornness to move out of your fleshy comfort zone. If you continue to be a carnal Christian, you will always be a baby Christian. Let us have the courage to pick up our own cross and be the doers of the Words because we can’t be a baby forever.
James 1:22
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
- John W.