The above quote is really true in my opinion because our life is determined by our own choices. Choices are made everyday lots of times: what we wear, what we put in our mouth, what we say, how we react, etc. Some of us tend to blame our parents’ choice when we have problems connected to our past that affects our life now. However, whether or not it was our parents’ wrong choices, our decision to keep blaming them or go on as over-comers is a CHOICE!
As we grow older, our response should be more and more positive so that our choices would be more and more matured.
Let’s learn about choices further from John 5:7-8 that say: 7-“I can’t, sir,” the sick man said, “for I have no one to put me into the pool when the water bubbles up. Someone else always gets there ahead of me. 8-Jesus told him, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”
I have decided to divide the two verses into two topics which are “How to fail in life?” from verse 7 and “How to succeed in life?” from verse 8.
How to fail in life?
1. Always respond negatively and say “I can’t”
2. Think that we are alone and there is no one willing to help
3. Low self-confidence and always think that others always do better even before trying.
How to succeed in life?
1. Meet Jesus personally and welcome Him into our life.
2. No matter what happens do not give up and be defeated, but stand up and be strong!
3. God gives everyone at least a talent, pick that up and serve God
4. Do not stop when there is problem, depend on God and keep walking in faith
Everyone wants to succeed in life for sure, begins with RIGHT/POSITIVE CHOICES daily!
(** Article is contributed by Limi Halim from her new book - 'New Life')