Babies cry to their mother, the source of their comfort. When they cry, comfort is on the way. We however, cry to the wrong sources. How often do we cry in the ears of others but God?
Do not cry to in the ears of friends for even if they can help you, it is only because the Lord enables them to. If so, why not run straight to God and lift up your cry to Him instead.
Even if you are without friends or supplies, let your need be your double plea. The Lord will hear your cry, deliver and supply you. Comfort will be on its way.
Helpless friends, just like babies, we too can cry to the One who can comfort us. When there is no one else, He stands beside you. Come with your plea and He will not refuse you help. Your Redeemer will not let you perish to the ground.
Psalm 71:12
For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help.
- Irene Soon