The Israelites grew weary and discouraged. If only they had trusted God’s promise that HE who had led would continue to lead, if only they looked to God and not the circumstances around; instead of being discouraged they would be encouraged.
Discouragement is one of the most powerful tools from the enemy. The story is told that Satan was having a grand SALE. All of his tools were attractively displayed at bargain prices. Amongst them are hatred, envy, greed, lust, anger and so on but there is one harmless looking tool, much worn and it was priced higher than the others. “What is this? Why is it so expensive?” someone asked. “That is discouragement. It is more useful to me than any of the other tools displayed,” Satan answered.
Discouragement is able to cause doubts and despairs to multiply rapidly hence it is harmful to a believer’s faith. Don’t give in to discouragement, may we be like David who finds strength and encouragement in the Lord during distress.
1 Samuel 30:6
David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God.