Many times we tend to disregard the season we are in because we are so focused to getting out of it but when we realize that the best season was indeed the season before, we ended up being trapped in the past; wishing for it to replay itself one more time.
Students who wish to finish their studies to quickly start on their first job. Mothers who wish for their babies to grow up, singles who wishes to have a partner and disregard their single moments, worker who wishes time to fast forward so that they could get that job promotion and many more we could list.
Maybe the current season you are in now is not exactly what you would like it to be. It may not be perfect but God has given it to you to fully embrace and walk in it so that you will not miss the lesson He has for you. Don’t wish to go back to the past nor look to fast forward your current season. Don’t wish your season away just because it is hard or unpleasant, there is a lesson in every season; there is a treasure in every darkness you are going through.
The lessons we learn from the dark season will be the valuable riches we take away to progress in our faith journey. Take heart; your season is here for a reason. Praise God for He plans to give you a treasure in your darkness.
Isaiah 45:31
I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
- Irene Soon