Like that quicksand, problems sometimes threaten to suck us under. The harder we struggle, the deeper we sink. But things are rarely as bad as they seem. Laws of physics make it nearly impossible for a person to sink more than about waist deep in real-life quicksand. It may be difficult and take awhile to get unstuck, but the person won’t go all the way under. Likewise, those who have a working faith in God can only sink so low or stay so long entangled in their problems.
Google “how to escape from quicksand,” and you will find a few pointers that together form a basic plan. Adapted to the faith approach to problems in general, those points go something like this:
- Don’t panic. That will cause you to sink deeper. Pray and try to relax. Control your spirit, and trust that God is in control of the rest.
- Shed unnecessary weights. Problems have a way of putting lesser things in perspective.
- Spread your weight. Lean on God. “Underneath are the everlasting arms.”
- Be patient. Slow, deliberate actions produce better results than frantic activity.
- Rest periodically. Clear your mind and refresh your spirit by meditating on positive, faith-building thoughts from God’s Word.
John 14:1 ESV
Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.
- Anonymous