The saying reminds me of Jesus’ saying: “If you have a faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move a mountain”. I believe every God’s word is true and He will always fulfil His promise. But when I think of those people who are suffering, their hardships and tears shed, I wonder why their suffering persist? Also, if they do not know Christ but believe in ‘God’, did God just turn His back to them? What hope do they have?
Then I came to a resolution that God has entrusted us with the mystery of the Good News that is fit for all races, gender, tribe and social class; that each one of them would be able to feel His love and experience the supernatural life-changing touch from the Lord. As for us, the believers, we are to share the Good News of the Lord to our world and pray for the seed of the Good News will continue to grow in the hearts who hear it.
Maybe we can see flower blooms in the rock or maybe not, but it won’t be because that we did not put enough effort or sincerity in our journey; it is a gift from God. Our focus should not be on the effort, nor the anticipated result that may discourage us if we do not see any progress but we need to focus on the One who promises and trust in His Omnipotence.
Let us trust.
Numbers 23: 19
God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
- Jenni Wang