How marvelously you made us that we are equipped with this way to express our emotions. Quick tears to relieve the sudden hurt. Or for the times when we are touched, too moved to speak.
When deeper sorrows come, we have this fierce and wonderful cleansing. This release that helps to wash away the very grief our crying demonstrates. Thank you Lord.
Jesus wept, as we weep. Our very tears are testimony to Your Fatherhood. We too are your sons and daughter. Thank you for this healing outlet, the ability to cry.
And thank you, Lord for laughter. And for all the people who can bring it about, make us see the funny side of things. The world is so full of anguish; life itself sometimes seems to grim. Thank you that in your vast understanding you gave us laughter to make us forget, to restore our wounded spirits, brighten the journey and lighten the load.
Thank you for these blessings, Lord. The shining gift of laughter and tears.
Psalm 126: 5-6
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.
- M.Holmes