We read about this truth in the book of Ruth; a young Moabite widow who worked in Boaz’s field as a gleaner. At the end of her first day at work, she collected substantial supplies of barleys worth 10 days of work. What she didn’t know was Boaz, the owner of the field had secretly told his reapers “to let bundles of grain fall purposely that Ruth may glean on it (Ruth 2:16).
It was because of Boaz’s favor that Ruth obtained such abundance. Like Boaz, our Heavenly Father does the same thing for us today. HE is able to cause other people to favor us and “let bundles of blessings fall purposely” on us because of HIS love to us but sometimes it happens so natural that we forget that it is GOD that has blessed us with the increases.
We need to constantly remind ourselves that it is God who gives us increase; He delights in blessing all of our hard work and multiplies it to abundance. Praise HIM for HE is good.
1 Corinthians 3:7
So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.