As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts
When I read the story of Moses, something struck my mind. Moses was the prince in the Pharaoh’s palace, but he is also a murderer. He killed an Egyptian and he chose to flee from Egypt to escape the punishment from the Pharaoh.
All these facts however did not matter; God chose Moses still to lead His people from Egypt. God chose a murderer to be a deliverer. From a human perspective, this is out of an ordinary and unacceptable but God’s vision and mission is not something for us to understand all the times, it is part of God’s mystery.
When Moses thought he is not worthy, God took Moses and changed his heart, taught him about humility during all his years as a shepherd before he became a deliverer. When we think we are not worthy due to what we have done, God is not over with us yet. He will take us in and if we let Him mold us, He will do something great through our lives.
When we think we are not worthy and we surrender in humility to the One who gives life, He will do something great through us. He will fulfill His mission in us no matter how impossible the circumstances from the world’s perspective. It is time to surrender to Him and acknowledge that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. And only when we stop counting on our strength, He will work in us to give us His strength for His glory.
- Jenni Wang