Thank you for your presence in my life. Your sister, Peace has always been a best friend to me. Everytime she is around, I feel I have the inner strength within; knowing that our Father God has everything in control. I thank you for this beautiful friendship. I thank you for teaching me that this life is meant to led out with joy and peace.
Your best friend, Trust has always reminded me to come to him when fear and doubt keeps on mocking and murmuring unto my thoughts. Though Trust is a quiet one, he always walks with a bold confidence even when everything else is uncertain. He often says – in quietness and trust is your strength but I never quite understand it until he taught me to be still during the storm.
To have that still obedience and attitude during uncertain times requires effort but slowly I’m beginning to understand that a true trust is unshakable thus it gives you the strength to endure. Trust has to take a deep root of belief in the character we are putting our trust in. Only in uncertain times, we get to exercise our trust and hone ourselves to a better understanding of God’s character.
The three of you have given me the knowledge that surpasses all my logical reasoning; the wisdom to know that a way out will be provided, that every trials will bring out the best of me if I see it as an opportunity instead of an obstacle.
Thank you Joy, I’m grateful that you will always be present in my life. I thank Father God that He has given me you and peace; this is a gift I treasure. Praise His name.
Isaiah 30:15
This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…
- Irene Soon