If you drew a map of your world, would we read such phrases? Over the unknown waters of friendships, work and romance, “Here be dragons.” Near the sea of school and classes, “Here be demons.”
If so, take heart from the example of Sir John Franklin. He was a master mariner in the days of King Henry V. Distant waters were a mystery to him, just as they were to other navigators. Unlike his colleagues, however, Sir John was a man of faith. On his maps he had crossed out the phrases “Here be dragons” and “Here be demons.” In their place he wrote the phrase: “Here is God.”
Mark it down. You will never go where God is not. You may be moved to another class, school, workplace or city, but — brand this truth on your heart — you can never go where God is not. “I am with you always,” Jesus promised (Matthew 28:20).
Don’t be afraid; just believe.
Matthew 28:20
I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
- Max Lucado (One God, One Plan, One life)