Not one sparrows could fall to the ground without God knowing it (Matthew 10:29). The eyes of the Lord are in every place (Proverbs 15:3) and nothing escapes His ever watchful eyes. Even the very hairs of your hair is all numbered (Matthew 10:30).
This is a love beyond our human comprehension yet the Bible speaks repeatedly of how our Heavenly Father keeps a tally of everything in our life to the smaller details such numbering our hairs. In all seriousness, who would have the patience and time to number their own children’s hair or their pet’s in this instance? Not one sparrow He will let fall to the ground, how much more of value are we to our Heavenly Father who created us in the image of Christ. His eyes are on the sparrow and I know He watches you and me, cast all of your troubled thoughts and cares unto Him.
Matthew 10:29
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care.
- Irene Soon