Despite the evidence of hardships, God was carrying out His plan to bless Joseph and benefit his family. As the story continued, we know that Joseph was freed from jail, rewarded with a high-ranking second-in-command to Pharaoh - the Egyptian king, saved thousands of people including his own family from famine and reconciled with his family.
Without the adversities in his life, Joseph would not have been equipped to have the wisdom, leadership and spiritual maturity to lead a nation, let alone forgive his brothers; God uses hardships to further His purposes and equip us for His redemptive plan. Are you doubting God’s goodness and promises because you are not in the place where you want to be? Take heart, it is a blessing to be trialed because you know that God is preparing you for greatness. That is something you and I can look forward to.
Genesis 50:20You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
- Irene Soon