Like those lights that brighten the street of Orchard, Christ, the " Light of the World " came to the world 2000 years ago to bring light unto our life; the light of hope to this darkened sinful world, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” - Roman 3 : 23. His mission was to do the will of the Heavenly Father that “Not wanting anyone to perish".
His sacrifice, the nail pierced hands, the 39 lashes that broke His body, the crown of thorns, the insults and the excruciating pain that He endured on the cross on our behalf, the sinners, has brought Eternal Life to us who believe in Him.
Christ has become the reason for this season, as many people from all over the world are celebrating " Christmas ", the birthday of the "Savior of the World".
As we celebrate this season, let's count our blessings and think of God's love and His goodness in our lives. Let's praise and thank Him with grateful hearts, rejoicing for His mercy and grace, to enjoy and experience Him in a greater way!
John 8 : 12
... I am the Light of the World. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.
- FY