The story of Jonah is one of the most fascinating bible stories that I find hard to believe as a child. How could a whale swallow a man and throw him out unharmed? Anyway, despite all the questions and rational debates on how that could happen, one thing for sure is Jonah did a lot of soul searching inside the ‘whale-belly’ hotel.
Sometimes when we are disobedient, God might do something drastic to catch our attention, maybe not the way he did with Jonah but what happened was Jonah repented.
Jonah needed to learn that it was not about what he thinks but it was about God displaying HIS compassion for the lost pagan nation. Jonah thought Nineveh did not deserve a second chance thus he disregarded God’s request.
Sometimes our suffering is not about us but it might be for other people to see the power of God working through our weakness. Jonah found himself in a helpless situation, yet God delivered him and used him to lead the pagan nation to repentance; God’s power was glorified through Jonah.
So next time when you find your disobedience has led you into the ‘whale-belly’ hotel, remember you can check out using repentance card. God will deliver you and HIS power will be glorified through your circumstances.
Jonah 3:10
When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.