In this world there are 5 types of dreamers:
- Those with NO DREAM -The length of your dream got to be limitless.
- Those with LOW DREAM - Don’t be afraid of challenges.
- Those with WRONG DREAM - Make sure we know what we are leading in life.
- Those with VAGUE DREAM - Be clear with what you want to achieve in your life.
- Those with GOD’S DREAM - Heb 11:32-34
Those with God’s dream will depend on God more to see it come to pass and in turn draw you closer to God as they know they can’t achieve that dream without God’s help.
Are you willing? Are you willing to hear from God, to receive that God given dream, to allow God to mould you; to transform you so that HE could work through you? As the year is coming to a close, why not start the year by dreaming big for God once again?
2 Corinthians 12:9
My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
- Linda Soh