He who died at the Calvary died just for you and me. He laid His life down for you and me to live a life of flowing joy and peace. His mercy is unfailing; receive His grace unto your life.
Lift up your hands to the Most High. Do not run, do not hide; isolation is what the enemy wants you to do. Do not run from the One who will never give up on you.
Lift up your hands to God; this is the very posture a human could do when they don’t know where else to turn. When hands are up in the air, it speaks of surrender, it speaks of humility and a heartfelt plea to someone stronger than us.
Be still, He cares and He hears. Lift your hands and believe again, there is a way. Lift up your hands and pour your heart to the Faithful One. In your stillness, He will strengthen you; He will come through for you.
Let faith arise; yes, there is a way. Let’s lift up our hands. He will surely open a way for you and me.
Psalm 141:2
Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
- Irene Soon