When the townspeople entered the church, they marveled at its beauty but one noticed the uniqueness of the church. “The church has no lamps, how will the building be lighted?” The nobleman then gave each family a lamp, “Each time you are here, the small area in which you sit will be lighted.”
Romans 2:19 tells us that we as Christians are “a light” in the world but the world can be overwhelming big. Though our lamp, we can light some small part each day. Look at how small each star looks in the distance, yet if they were to be put together, they are able to light the darkest night.
Each of us can do our part and light our small area of influence. Light up your lamps and put on a bright face whether you feel like it or not. Your light and gladness will shine through the darkest soul.
Luke 11:33
No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.