The hue of the sky was so beautiful that it seemed to reflect itself upon the whole atmosphere as I looked back from the west to the eastern horizon. The whole earth was radiant with glory. The fields had changed to strange red richness, and the earth seemed bathed with the dews of heaven.
So it is when the love of God shines through all our celestial sky; it covers everything below, and life becomes radiant with its light. Things that were hard become easy. Things that were biting become sweet.
Labor loses its burden, and sorrow becomes silver-lined with hope and gladness.There are two ways of living in God's love: one is constant trust; the other is constant obedience. God's own Word gives the message for both.
John 15:10
If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
- Anonymous