Do not yield to discouragement no matter how sorely pressed or beset you may be. A discouraged soul is helpless. He can neither resist the wiles of the enemy himself, while in this state, nor can he prevail in prayer for others.Flee from every symptom of this deadly foe as you would flee from a viper. And be not slow in turning your back on it, unless you want to bite the dust in bitter defeat.
Search out God’s promises and say aloud of each one: “This promise is mine.” If you still experience a feeling of doubt and discouragement, pour out your heart to God and ask Him to rebuke the adversary who is so mercilessly nagging you.The very instant you whole-heartedly turn away from every symptom of distrust and discouragement, the blessed Holy Spirit will quicken your faith and empower you with divine strength.
All the marvelous attributes of God are on the side of the weakest believer; who in the name of Christ, and in simple childlike trust, yields himself to God and turns to Him for help and guidance.
Exodus 16:10
They looked...and behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud
- Anonymous