The bible verse above speaks a simple truth. The first sentence assures us of the fact that God is always mindful of us.
Jesus constantly thinks of us; HE has provided for us, comforted us and delivered us all these years. In all HIS ways, HE has been mindful of us; never overlooking our needs. Surely, you would recall by now the mindfulness that God has shown in your life.
The next sentence displays the nature of God’s character. God character is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He will continue to be mindful of us in the future as HE had been in the past. His mindfulness assures us that HE has a good future and plan for us; HE delights to bless us due to HIS unchanging loving kindness from the time of Abraham till our present days. HE will bless us because of his own divine character.
Therefore let us rejoice and bless HIS name.