Prior to my recent surgery, I was required to fast for at least six hours before the surgery could be performed. This includes fasting on water as well.
Due to hospital understaffing, I had to wait longer than usual and it led to a wait for more than half a day without water. Parched, I knew there is nothing I could do but wait. The longer I waited the more certain I am that water is one of the most crucial elements in a person’s life.
In the book of John, Jesus said “whoever drinks from the water I give him will never thirst again.” (John 4:14) What a reassuring statement that is. By using a parable, Jesus promises to always supply our needs to the point that we will not be in need anymore.
Do you long to be quenched from your spiritual thirst? Do you long for something that this world can’t provide you? Seek Jesus, the source of the Living Water.
Only Jesus could satisfy the parching thirst that this world can’t provide. He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
John 4:14
Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
- Irene Soon