It's scary how i slipped and the consequences of which insidious, but significant.
My temper seems short, and I require a longer time to complete my work. Nothing really works for me. I get scared, and I wake up even earlier to complete my work....and you get me, the cycle begins all over again.
Finally, I got it. I became normal and ordinary because I lost that inner peace that sustained me. Because I feel like I no longer have angels that go to work with me, or the understanding that regardless what happens, I will rise above the storms because Christ is with me and I will not sink as a result.
You see, spending time with Christ daily is like taking your multi-vitamins. It gives you the energy to go through the day and it nourishes you. You may not know the effects but every fibre of your cells (inside your body) does. The effects will not be known until you've taken it over a period of time!
Jesus is the multi-vits for our inner man. Have you taken Him today?
John 14:26
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you."
-Elizabeth Tan