I have a scar on my left elbow which was a result from two surgeries I underwent ten years ago. Though it has been ten long years and I feel no pain now, but the scar is still there. When I ponder about my scar, it reminds me of the scar my Christ had after He was resurrected.
Unlike the movies where the hero or heroin “miraculously” got healed from injuries without any scars, our Lord chose to keep His crucifixion scar. He who is able to do all things chose to keep the scar and that serves as a reminder to me of His love and purpose here on earth.
The verse from Isaiah 53 serves as a great reminder for us that only through Jesus’ wound that we are healed from all of our iniquities. Through Jesus’ wound, we find freedom from sin and we become the child of righteousness. Our scar sometimes reminds us of our “foolishness” or stories from our past, but it is through those scars we learn and grow. More precious is the scar that not only teach us the life lesson, but the scar that brings us freedom; it is the scar that we found in the body of Christ.
Praise the Lord for the greatest gift and the great reminder.
- Jenni Wang