The presence of the Christ too exudes a sweet fragrance to our inner soul. The fragrance of His presence inspires firm hope and it picks up a weary soul with the assurance of His love. Just as a sweet scent may inform us that there is beautiful flower nearby, so this fragrant brought by Son of Man suggested to the sons of men that God is a supernatural being living in an infinite realm beyond our comprehension hence our circumstance is not able to limit His ability.
The fragrance of Christ’s presence conveys the sweetness of the Father's love, the glory of the Father's character, the loveliness of His goodness and the Sovereignty of His power. This sweet fragrance is what reminds men of Christ and that we are His beloved children.
Let us position our heart through worship to the Lord, let us ask for nothing and be ready to receive anything the Lord might offer. May we embrace His presence in such unity in the Spirit that we are able to pursue His heart and ways with full adoration and willingness.
Psalm 100: 2
Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.
- Irene Soon