Mary, the mother of Jesus was a woman who did the unusual as well. She was told by the angel Gabriel that she would become the mother of the Son of God. The usual would have been not to believe and worry what Joseph and others may think. By law, they would have had to stone her but she did the unusual; she believed God and God blessed her. Till today generations still calls her blessed.
There are still many more characters in the Bible that did the unusual, not forgetting David, Daniel, Joseph, Jeremiah and many more. These people obeyed the word of God and reaped an unusual harvest.
Are you doing all that you know God wants you to do? As you read God’s Word, put what you have learned into practice; that could be your unusual doing in today’s society that works the opposite way of the Bible. The value of the Bible is not learned through just merely knowing it but the depth of its knowledge is found in obeying it too and God’s blessing will come as we continue to obey Him.
Let us bring a closure to this wonderful 2013 by obeying God and doing the unusual for a great harvest in the coming 2014.
James 1:22
Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.
- Irene Soon