Unity unites people of all differences but it does not matter because we all stand for the same purpose. Now, what if there is no unity? Did you ever encounter a work project or even school projects that require team effort, only to realize that one person in the group is not pulling their weight and resisting to co-operate? It pretty much stalls the project and you will hardly get anything done without the unity of all members in the group.
It is true that in reality we know that we don't always get along with everyone but God's word teaches us that He is the giver of unity. As believers, we are united by the Holy Spirit who gives us the same purpose and He unites us with the likeness of Christ to bring glory to the Kingdom of God.
We are surrounded by diversity every day and depending on the situation we can handle it in different ways but remember, when you're not coping with keeping unity with another person, love them and turn to Jesus. Ask Him to mould you more to the likeness of Christ and you will be reminded of your purpose to maintain unity with all diversity just because you are called to give glory to the name of Christ.
Rom 15:5-6
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Sandra Iliev