The solution to all that? It is just one word and I actually sneered at the answer. I just thought it takes more than that since my pride says there must be some other things I have not tried. There must be something that I have missed out on doing. Fortunately, I’m wrong.
The answer is Praise. Some people see praise as merely singing hymns and clapping hands at church. Some see it as singing loud songs but the truth is, praise is an act of obedience. It is an act where you come to God and you say you bless and honor His Name. It is you displaying a complete trust, choosing to believe that whatever God is doing in your life, He is doing it for your good and the people around you.
So whether it is just words of thanksgiving or singing a song, praise is an attitude of obedience. Weary and desperate for a breakthrough? Praise God and yield on His faithfulness; He is the only one who could give you your breakthrough.
Psalm 95:6-7
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.
- Irene Soon