Nevertheless, waiting is still a big part of life. It might be the wait at the grocery store, the doctor’s waiting room or the wait for the salvation of our loved ones and so on. The point is most of us are waiting for something most of the time.
The whole process of waiting can be quite daunting but when it comes to waiting on God, God promises blessings for HIS children but let’s get the perspective right. Waiting is a journey of self transformation; it is not an idle process.
Waiting strengthen our inner man to walk in a deeper knowledge and trust of who God is. Through waiting, God will hone our ability to confidently expect, trust and be truly content with HIS plans for us. Waiting purifies our motives.
So if you are currently in a situation where you have to wait, claim HIS promises by faith and rest in HIM with a confident expectation that HE knows what HE is doing and HIS timing will not fail you.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.