God provides us a spiritual potential in which we are able to make our own (Ephesians 4:1-6). In Genesis 26 we see five key elements in which Isaac’s responses to God provide a turning point in his walk:
1) Isaac stayed on the famine land where God told him to – When Isaac followed God’s command, he was blessed and provided with the promises God had for him.
2) Isaac sowed in the land – Although God provided Isaac the land, it was only when Isaac sowed upon the land in which it was able to be fruitful.
3) Isaac dug in the land for water – What are you digging for? Are you digging deep for water to sustain life or are you digging up dirt?
4) Isaac struggled and contended – Although challenges arose, Isaac was persistent to dig and until he could access water. Not only did Isaac take ownership of the spiritual land, he was able to work upon the land for God’s promises.
5) Isaac built – Isaac later went to Beersheba and built an altar. Regardless of the struggles and challenges Isaac faced, he continued to build, sow and reap off the land. The more Isaac sowed into the land, the more fruitful it became and the more he was able to take ownership over the land God provided him.
So what is your turning point? Will you stay during your famine for God’s provision and promises or will you rely upon your strengths?
- Melanie Riley