This made me ponder on the wonder of God’s creation. It is a wonderful provision that God has endowed our body with an ability to heal itself. When we fall and scrape ourselves, the body is able to repair the wound internally. No human invention could ever repair itself.
So when you think that your wound is not repairable, are you certain the true Maker who endows your body with such amazing ability won’t have more kindness up on His sleeve?
When you are broken, Your maker is able to heal you. You will never be a unique case that He will not be able to fix. Each and every case you present to Him will be dealt personally and skillfully for He is your maker. Every parts that make you are engineered by Him; He knows you full well.
No human will be able to fix you; do not depend on God’s creation to fix your brokenness. Go back to your true Maker and He will make you whole again.
Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.
- John W.